Green eyed monster


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Switching from Iphone to an Android phone, what you need to know

So recently I just broke my Iphone 4 after 3 years of using it. I figured that I can’t live with my borrowed Blackberry curve 8520 because it doesn’t support 3G connection so I decided to buy an Android phone. Of course it was a major change, I didn’t have much problem using the Blackberry but I do have using my Android, so here are a few things you would mind before switching your smartphone brand.

Firstly, I’m a girl so I don’t have much interest in games (anymore), what I look for in a smartphone is how it can help me to keep track of my projects (I’m a student). I’m a heavy user of Dropbox, Gmail, Buzzfeed, CNN, Youtube, travel planner, etc that kind of apps. My Iphone serve me just well in that. The fact is that my Iphone is Iphone 4 and it did suffered from lag and slowness after upgrading to IOs 7 encouraged me to change to a new phone even before it break. I have been using Iphone for 3 years so I wanted to change to something I could customise it to my own liking. So I bought an HTC M8.

Before coming to the HTC M8, I did try with the ASUS zenfone 5, however it was almost as slow as my Iphone 4 so I continued with my Iphone. I have to mention that although many people say that Iphone is fragile, Im totally not agree with it. In 3 years I have been using my Iphone, I dropped it a lot, I mean A LOT with and without the case. I sometime even throw it when I’m angry. Now when I have the HTC M8, I got the feeling of actually how easily I can break it. But just my feeling. Below I will list the pros and cons of the HTC M8 comparing to my Iphone 4.


1. I really like the “back” button on my HTC M8, I think Asus zenfone 5 has the same. When using Iphone, I need to all the time reach for the back button located somewhere on the screen. With my short hand it sometime result in dropping my phone to my face when I was lying. The back button is just awesome, I know it’s there, I can “back” from anything and not necessary close the app I’m using.

2. The profile tab

Screenshot_2014-07-23-22-06-50Sure Apple has it too, however it is not as detailed and can be customised like this. Before the Ios 7 I even need to jailbreak in order to have this feature. Only with one slide from above the phone and you can reach to the monitor of your entire phone, isn’t that great?

3. The variety of lockscreen.

With my HTC, I’m able to lock my phone with my face, pattern, PIN number or password when in Iphone you can only choose between number or password (now you have to finger print but I don’t really like it). For example if you lock your phone with your finger print, when you are drunk at your friend’s place and blackout, or it might even be only a sleep over, your friend can easily pull pranks on you. It’s even easier than using 4 numbers lock.

4. Launcher

Using your Iphone meaning you only have one theme of background in your phone. Let’s not talk about the option of jailbreaking, Iphone user see the same display ever single day for years. We can only change the background picture and it sucks. For Android phones, you can use the Launcher to make the phone look more appealing without jailbreaking your phone. Isn’t it great?

So pros aside, let’s talk about the cons of Android:

1. The first thing I have to mention is the how bad is notification in Android phones. It only alarm you when you have new notification, however when you do not pull the slide bar down, you wouldn’t know which app do you get the new message. In Iphone, you can easily see in the app icon the red circle with the number of notification on the corner. It’s much better for business man to use Iphone since they want everything to be sorted out quick and easily.

2. There is no Vibrate/Sound switch. In the middle of a meeting and you forgot to turn off your sound. Your phone rang, you will need to take your phone out, unlock it, reject the phone and then choose to the Vibrate mode. It would take shit loads of time and action. It is a mistake that Android phone maker didn’t copy from Iphone the Vibrate/Sound switch.

3. Files are crazy. For example when you go to Dropbox to upload a picture, you know that the earlier the picture the more “top” it will be. But to my HTC M8, it took me quite a lot of time to find where was my picture. AND the picture load very slow even compare to my Iphone 4!

4. There is no gesture that could scroll the whole article to its top. In Iphone, when I scroll down for awhile and I want to get back to the top, I can simply tap on the top of the screen and it will take me back to the beginning of the article. In Android you need to physically scroll up up up for a looong time until you get to where you want.

There are a lot more things I want to mention, however I cannot remember all at once so I wil leave it here. I’m quite disappointed purchasing my HTC M8 and If I can return it for an Iphone 5S, I would. However I will stick with it for another 3 years (hopefully) and I hope we will get along wel 🙂

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Jealousy – worth it or not? (scroll down for girls who hate your boyfriends’ ex ;) )

Let’s be honest, you know what it’s like feeling jealous. It’s not a comfortable feeling, though sometime you just can not avoid it. Men and women experience and act toward jealousy differently. I, however can only discuss about the women’s perspective since I do not own a d*ck.

Can’t remember when was the first time I felt jealous but I do remember how jealousy kills the angel inside me. I started visualising being a superhero, kicking the ass of the kids I hate since I was probably 1st grade. Of course I don’t need to mention that those kid always are villains in my fantasy. It later on evolved into assuming every girls who has better hand writing than mine: bitch. That pretty, smart, class president: oh damn girl, you have a bad soul. That pretty, talkative, cranky 7 years old babe? Whore. At least when I was small I still admit that they got something better than me.


By the time I got to junior high, I became less aggressive, less bitchy toward human. I was super into manga and anime that I don’t even care about those living creatures that moves around me. Though I started visualise myself being superhero (or super cool villain) who slowly torture characters that I hate. I know, I have a sick mind. Toward human, it was just a blurred, shadowy kind of jealous which rarely be activated.

High school was a bitch training camp, where even those old, greasy hag  teachers shamelessly showed their hatred toward pretty young students. At that time I also acquaintance myself with the new form of hating: reading tabloid and gossiping, judging celebrities. Yeah, Angelina Jolie was a husband stealing whore who has a sex doll’s lips. No offense, i love her now, but then, I would find any tiny teeny shit about good looking, smart, talented people and bitch about it. Pretty girls – dumb, smart girls – either nerd or ugly, talented girls – either dumb or ugly, me – hell what do I have? If I remember correctly I had a face full of acne and a sick mind still fantasy torturing scene.


I however have not been a jealous type of girlfriend. With the first 2 of my boyfriends I didn’t even care if they had girlfriend/s before me. It totally changed when I met my third boyfriend. Hell of an evil, sick minded, jealousy, obsessive bitch he brought out of me. The Internet and Facebook helped a lot too. It started as a random guilty pleasure of mine to stalk my boyfriend’s histories and her facebook page, trying to find every bit of information about her. Even though her page was restricted, I managed to know about her more than my boyfriend do (they were in 2 years of relationship). I even drag our her old facebook’s password as well as her aliases, ex boyfriend’s name, height, relationship and how she treated her friends. Please remember that my her facebook was highly restricted! 🙂 I can only see her damn 3 photos (now only 1) and 4 cover photos (now 1!!).

I then tried to drag out informations from our mutual friends (2 actually). The first one reached reply solemnly ‘Hell I know about the type of her, most everyone here don’t like her’ also brought me to tears of pleasure. The second one also brought me to tears when saying he can’t remember (yeah she’s too boring to be remembered). I then shown her images to my friend, tried to trick them into saying she’s uglier than me (I was 19 btw) which most of them didn’t seem to agree. Except for some very sensitive girls, they smelled my act of shame even before I mentioned that the girl I was showing is my boyfriend’s ex. There was time she was my point of interest, when I search about her even more than I search for study materials or disease description (I’m a disease freak too). I thought about her more than I think about my boyfriend. I imagined to abuse, insult, humiliate her. There were times when I think of how I can me like professor X, directing her to kill her (new) boyfriend and steal his money and then be arrested by the police. It felt good at the time. Not when I look back to it.

When I finally realise that facebook was taking too much time and that the people on facebook is just too dumb to be on par with my intelligence (lol), I noticed that taking time thinking about her hurts me too. I mentioned about her so angrily, so aggressively that my boyfriends’ friends tried to tell me ‘Calm down girl, you even get to be asked for an ID when buying candies and you are talking about kicking her ass?’ or ‘She’s huge, you can’t beat her’. I stayed curious about why all of them thought that I wanted to physically beat her when I was only mentioning her name. I finally admit that I lived on the fact that she is fat, cruel (I swear it’s true) have an ugly as shit mother (gosh I hope she will look like her mother when she got older) and dumb (got 20 credits a year, all of them were 1s and 2s), and tried to forget that she was also tall, have bigger boobs, at least seemed to be more open than me, and may be prettier than me (I fucking hate acne!). I was a loser, my life was worse, she ruined it even without trying.


I lived in the walk of shame when I admit those facts. I tried to hold on to what I think I might be better, that I have more friends, I’m talented, I have good knowledge about politics, I’m manly (or at least I thought I am), etc. It lasted quite long that walk. A day came when I mentioned about her (as usual) and 1 of my friend asked me about her appearance and admit she met her. As usual I asked ‘was she pretty’ and receive a nod and then a consolation of ‘well her hair was good, I didn’t care about her face and she was big’. I stayed silenced for awhile. And then I just realise why the fuck should I care? I spent so damn much of my time thinking about someone who doesn’t care about me and doesn’t even know me. I haven’t even met her. And that in my time wasting thinking about her, she might just f*cking her boyfriend. Hell why?

Can’t say that I completely take her off my mind, but it was a pleasure not touching facebook and not thinking about her. I shouldn’t think about her with the same reason why I don’t have to think about global warming: it doens’t change anything. Kidding, I always hibernate my laptop when I’m not using it 😉